Thursday, March 18, 2010

Red-carpet ready

This is the second mic flag I've hand crafted in my lifetime. The first was when I was a child pretending to be on the TV news.

They're basically the same, but this one is a lot sturdier. And for a more reputable newsgathering organization.


  1. There should be instructions for the kids at home! I could create my own mike flag (I hate "mic." I contend it is not a word. And looks dumb.) and stage elaborate interviews with the cat. (She has a potty mouth, though.)

  2. Mic flags (It's short for microphone, not mikerophone!) are simple. All you need is a microphone, some heavy mounting board that somebody carelessly left lying around on the fourth floor, glue, an X-acto knife and one of those big, scary straight-edge cutting devices. You also will need a calculator because, like myself, it's possible that you lack the ability to perform basic mathematical tasks.

  3. Be sure to put kitty on a seven-second delay. You don't want a fine.
