Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hey, I'm starting a blog with no focus!

I've got the Girl, You Lost Your Weave blog, which is where I post photos of discarded weaves from the mean streets of St. Louis. And I've got the Viral Videos blog on And I occasionally contribute to the Culture Club blog on

Those blogs are all very specific. This one won't be. I aim for it to be a collection of random musings from my everyday life. Which, I suppose, is a sort of focus.

It's also a place to collect links to my various projects, social-media ventures and professional work.

And the name? It's the title of a song from the brilliant musical "[title of show]." Also, I love monkeys and theater. It all adds up, I figure.


  1. I must start another site too -- Erica has 3 listed in your blogroll and I only have 2.

  2. Don't be jellice!

    I've already volunteered to turn one or 20 of my sites over to someone else. I just haven't found any takers.
